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The specific method for troubleshooting during the driving of the excavator is as follows:

Release Time:2022-05-27 16:53:45      Hit Count:490

If there is a "jump" when driving on a flat road, you can stop the machine according to the normal shutdown method, carefully find the cause, and eliminate the fault.

If there is a "skip" when driving uphill, you can set the gear to the low-speed position or the first gear position, and wait for the machine to stop when it reaches the top of the slope to eliminate the fault; if the downshift is unsuccessful or the "skip" occurs again When the machine is stopped, it should be stopped according to the action essentials and requirements of the ramp stop, and then troubleshoot.

When a "jump" occurs when driving on a downhill, you should set the gear to a high-speed position according to the action essentials of upshifting or take measures of "grabbing" (emergency downshift), and then stop the machine for inspection after driving to the bottom of the slope. , to troubleshoot; if the "upshift" and "grab" are unsuccessful or the "skip" occurs again (neutral at this time), the driver can control the engine speed at a medium speed (to prevent the engine from stalling), use "" Slip the machine to the bottom of the slope with the "brake on the brake" method, and then troubleshoot. If the "upshift", the "grab" is unsuccessful, or the "jump" occurs again (neutral at this time), and the machine is on the downhill slope again (at this time, the machine will go to the bottom of the slope at a very fast speed" "Dive"), you should quickly stop according to the action essentials and requirements of downhill stop, and then deduct the fault.

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